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Avverbi, Diverbi e sentimenti...

giovedì 20 giugno 2013

Ruocco a Martigny (CH)

Anche a Martigny abbiamo rintracciato la presenza di una Ruocco alla quale rivolgiamo un caloroso saluto e una felice permanenza assieme ai suoi familiari.

Martigny (German MartinachLatin Octodurum, sometimes also Octodure in French) is the capital of the French-speaking district of Martigny in thecanton of Valais in Switzerland. It lies at an elevation of 471 meters (1,545 ft), and its population is approximately 15000 inhabitants (Martignerains or "Octoduriens"). It is a junction of roads joining ItalyFrance and Switzerland. One road links it over the Great St. Bernard Pass to Aosta (Italy), and the other over the col de la Forclaz to Chamonix (France). In winter, Martigny is appreciated for its numerous nearby Alp ski resorts such as Verbier

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