Mi sono assentato dalla rete per diversi giorni per un avaria del PC che ho dovuto sostituire.
A sentire quelli che se ne intendono non ho capito molto. E' stato per la troppa polvere che si era
accumulata in prossimità della CPU a far si che la stessa andasse in avaria senza poterla recuperare.
Mi è stato consigliato l'acquisto di un computer usato da una ditta inglese che mi è costato la metà
del nuovo che avevo visto sullo scaffale di una ditta di Roma.
Avrò fatto bene ?
Questa è stata la ragione del mio silenzio, ma stamattina ho scoperto che questo blog nella giornata
di ieri aveva raggiunto le 100.000 visite.
Non so quanti Ruocco sono attualmente in vita su tutto il pianeta, spero più delle 100.000 visite
realizzate da marzo 2011 e più esattamente, giorno più giorno meno in quattro anni e mezzo
realizzando una media di 22.222, 2(2) all'anno arrivate da quasi 100 nazioni.
Ho chiarito che mio nonno non aveva niente da recriminare contro il compaesano che tutti chiamavano marchese in quanto il suo vero cognome non era quello della madre (Ruocco) ma quello del padre Cardone dal quale gli derivava il titolo.
Piano piano mi sto avvicinando alle radici della nascita di questo cognome scoprendola addirittura nelle sacre scritture.
Ho annotato eroi e avventurieri, politici e scrittori, località, strade, stadi e tante altre amenità che danno a questo cognome il piacere di portarlo in quanto quelli che lo onorano sono una moltitudine e quelli che si comportano illegalmente si contano sulle dita della mano.
E poi scrittori, professori di università, poeti, architetti, medici, scienziati, musicisti, pugili e tante altri con professioni sempre utili al vivere civile, etc. etc.
venerdì 28 agosto 2015
domenica 9 agosto 2015
Support Wyatt: Infant diagnosed SMA
Support Wyatt: Infant diagnosed SMA
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Wow, where do I start? Words can not express mine and Tony's gratitude. Everyone's love, support, donations, and kind words, have been the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed. Knowing all this love is for my beautiful baby boy, makes my heart so full.God has planned our paths, and we're living it full speed ahead. There's no doubt in my mind Wyatt will be anything but amazing in the years to come. I thank the good Lord Wyatt is still with us, and that's what matters most. He's so remarkably happy, and we're planning on keeping it that way.
Thank you so much- to everyone- there's a new light that has been shown to us. We love you all!! God bless all your hearts❤
-Kaela MacPherson
In June, 2015, Wyatt Alvarenga was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2 (SMA). He is 14 months old. SMA is a disease that robs people of physical strength by affecting the motor nerve cells in the spinal cord, taking away the ability to walk, eat, or breathe. It is the number one genetic cause of death for infants.
Wyatt loves to play, laugh, and explore. Despite his condition, Wyatt is full of spirit and love, and is very intelligent. He always has a smile on his face that lights up the whole room. He is adored by many friends and family all around him.
Wyatt has two wonderful loving parents that would do anything for this little boy. His mother, Kaela, is currently working as a fitness instructor at Upper Valley Aquatic Center in Vermont. Tony, his father works construction and continues to master Brazilian ju-jitsu. The loving couple is engaged and is fully focused on their son. They both work very hard to meet all the needs for Wyatt but struggle financially. Given this new diagnosis, the family now has new medical bills, day to day care, and long travel distance between hospitals and will be looking for a new place to live that’s handicap accessible. By donating today, you will greatly impact the lives of Wyatt and his dedicated parents.
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Wyatt has two wonderful loving parents that would do anything for this little boy. His mother, Kaela, is currently working as a fitness instructor at Upper Valley Aquatic Center in Vermont. Tony, his father works construction and continues to master Brazilian ju-jitsu. The loving couple is engaged and is fully focused on their son. They both work very hard to meet all the needs for Wyatt but struggle financially. Given this new diagnosis, the family now has new medical bills, day to day care, and long travel distance between hospitals and will be looking for a new place to live that’s handicap accessible. By donating today, you will greatly impact the lives of Wyatt and his dedicated parents.

Kaela, know how loved you and your family are in hard times.... this will help with some pain. Happy to see the family come together, and to know how strong you really are. ♥
Good luck to you all and a kiss to the little Wyatt. I am sure that God will help you. Tina and I pray to him for this to happen. LELLO
Katherine Ruocco - katherine.ruocco@ruoccolaw.com
Service Area
Proudly serving St. Louis County, St. Charles County, St. Louis City, Jefferson County, and Metropolitan St. Louis Area
Contact Us
Katherine L. Ruocco
Ruocco Law Office, LLC
Ruocco Law Office, LLC
Phone: (314) 291-1410
West County Location
1001 Craig Road, Suite 260
St. Louis, MO 63146
1001 Craig Road, Suite 260
St. Louis, MO 63146
North County Location
3394 McKelvey Road, Suite 107
Bridgeton, MO 63044
3394 McKelvey Road, Suite 107
Bridgeton, MO 63044
About Us
Katherine Ruocco is the managing principal of Ruocco Law Office LLC. Katherine has more than ten years experience in the legal and financial industries. Her experience includes multi-national management consulting work at Ernst & Young LLP, authorship and development of multi-national financial services education, legal, and estate planning materials and publications at Edward Jones brokerage firm, and acting as a nationwide estate planning and wealth transfer resident expert for the Edward Jones Trust Company. Her responsibilities included educating investment representatives and clients across the country, delivery of estate planning seminars and workshops, and development of estate planning publications.
Katherine graduated cum laude with her undergraduate degree from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and graduated cum laude with her Master of Business Administration from Lindenwood University. She received her law degree from St. Louis University School of Law and is licensed to practice in Missouri.
Katherine is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, the Missouri Bar Association, the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (with membership in the elder law, trusts, and estates committees), the Lawyers Association of St. Louis, and actively volunteers in the elder law and estate planning areas of Legal Services of Eastern Missouri.
Information on Eldercare
Ruocco Law Office, LLC
Katherine L. Ruocco - Elder Law Attorney
Ruocco Law Office LLC is a dedicated elder law and estate planning office and cares about you and your family. It is our mission to ensure that every individual we speak to understands their options, and the implications of such options. We recognize each clients situation is unique, and will provide solutions tailored to meet your needs.
Our firm goal is to provide the most suitable advice to you and your family for planning for your future, and in times of crisis. There are many planning opportunities that can help protect ones financial future, and future quality of life. Such planning is customized to meet your family's unique objectives and values. Such objectives may include protecting assets from nursing home spend down, estate taxes, probate administration, or incapacity.
Please call us for a free consultation and learn how you can protect yourself and your loved ones.
Request Help or Information by filling out the form below
sabato 8 agosto 2015
mercoledì 5 agosto 2015
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